
Among the Light
Woman among the candles.

Esferes lluminoses

Esferes lluminoses realitzades a base de reciclar faroles urbanes. Actualment es troben instal.lades al Prat Verd de Malla ( Osona)
Saint John’s Fire
Stage 1
The best and the great fire of Saint John’s day, a tradition in Catalunya, was built in Vic, helped by my pupils. Our work was rewarded by a great success, so I’m very , very happy. Outside view.
Stage 2:
Like the hole of the Panteon in Rome, Ferran and Jordi finishing the top of the tronco-cónical construction.
Stage 3:
Some colours at the interior. We a looking for the effect of the rainbow.
Stage 4:
Twelve lines as the twelve months of the year are going to the construction. As an espermatozoon, only one will enter inside.
Photo by Angel Teixé
Stage 5:
A litle fire at the interior is ligting the structure. We have catch the effect of a cathedral vitrail.
Photo by Angel Teixé
Stage 6:
The fire traped the exterior structure. The flames are great. I’ts de moment of
highest temperature. A volcano in eruption.
Photo by Angel Teixé
Stage 7:
Now the volcano gets more calmly. The woods of the top falling down. The volcano is eating the material. The contrast between light and darkness is wonderfull.
Photo by Angel Teixé
Stage 8:
Litle by litle the structure is falling down. The fire is changing during all stages of its life. People enjoys the spectacle amazed by the light and the fire.
Photo Angel Teixé.
Stage 9:
Fire dessings a perfect circle in the ground.
The structure has been vertical one hour.Myself and my pupils are excited


Homage: To Charles Darwin and Joseph Banks
Dedicated to these English men, naturalists, explorer and botanists.My new parafine candles full of different leaves, to see nature againts the light.Una experiència botànica a contrallum, en homenatge a dos naturalistes anglesos———————————————————————————————————
Nit de Reis / The Magi
Lights at night in Ripoll. The Three Wise men night.Llums per a la nit de reis a Ripoll.


Homage to Claude Monet
Dedicated to the french painter, that in the Rouen’s cathedral,, was studying light on its façade.Here one of my favourites place getting dark.Una instal·lació en homenatge al pintor francés Claude Monet, que pintaba les evulocions de la llum com ara en la façana de la catedral de Rouen.

Lights in the Darkness

A frozen river- Les Llosses- Ripollès, an amazing scenery to make a performance full of fantasy.

Un dels meus llocs preferits, màgics racons naturals, per anar-hi en el decurs de totes les estacions de l’any.

Receptacles lluminosos

Cold and warm Ssensations

My enthusiam for the universe, has brought to make these candles where I propose to bring out the beauty of the sky.

Cilindres de feltre i parafina. Noves experiències amb la llum.


Cold and warm sensations

Joan Toll and Miquel Parés took photos in my ice installation this month of January. This is the result. Thank you very much for your work-
Fotògrafs professionals han retratat la meva instal·lació de llum i gel amb molt bon resultat. Gràcies al Joan i al Miquel. Ripoll, gener de 2012

The lights reflected on the swimming pool

General view of the swimming pool full of lights.

Ara que s’acosta el fred, es bó recordar les experiències del estiu, quan molts recipients lluminosos, flotaban en una piscina de Sant Antoni de Calonge


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